Ok, so you know how Lil Wayne has a Vicodin problem right? Well MTV points to an interview in the new issue of Complex that he clearly sat for while he was high as fuck. Here he talks about Jay-Z:
"I don’t like what he’s saying about how he had to come back because hip-hop’s dead and we need him," Wayne said. "What the f— do you mean? If anything it’s reborn, so he’s probably having a problem with that. You left on a good note, and all of the artists were saying, ‘Yo, this is Jay’s house. He’s the best.’ Now he comes back and still thinks it’s his house. … It’s not your house anymore, and I’m better than you."
Calm down Weezy, stop taking the 3rd verse of Trouble to the titty. For the record I occasionally enjoy some of Dwayne Carter’s music, and I kept my mouth shut about the Best Rapper Alive shit, but I’m not buying this shit he’s selling.