Those rumors are true after all. Little Brother is now down to a 2-man group, and their next album The Getback will only feature one beat by 9th:
"Little Brother has decided, in the best interest of the group, for Little Brother and 9th Wonder to part ways. There are no hard feelings and no beef. This is just a decision that had to be made so all three of us could move forward and continue to provide the world with dope music."(via: HHG)
Little Brother is also in the process of negotiating a release from Atlantic Records. I will never understand why they signed to a major in the first place.Is LB better off without 9th or will this break the group artistically?
Ps. Little Brother is on the New Jazzy Jeff CD the Mp3 is below. The album is in titled "The Return of the Magnificent".
Jazzy Jeff Ft Little Brother- What Ever You Want (Mp3/Listen)
Purchase- DJ Jazzy Jeff "Return of the Magnificent"
Thanks to The Rap Up For info above.