Happy 4:20 and since I pretty much center everything around music I bring you High times 25 best smoking weed songs of all time.
1. PETER TOSH "Legalize It" (1976) "Don't criticize it," Tosh toked. He criticized the Jamaican government and paid for it with his life in 1987. Updated by Sublime on HEMPILATION.
2. BOB MARLEY -- "Kaya" (1978) Marley's most famous ganja tune was written in the late '60s with the help of Lee "Scratch" Perry, but wasn't released as an album until the late '70s.
3. BOB DYLAN -- "Rainy Day Women #12 & 35" (1966) The song's chorus, "Everybody must get stoned," makes you forget about those rainy day women, whatever numbers they're high on. Updated by the Black Crowes on HEMPILATION and Cypress Hill on Temples of Boom.
4. BLACK SABBATH -- "Sweet Leaf" (1971) "You give me a new belief," Ozzy Osbourne espoused in this pre-metal glorification of ganja. Updated by Sacred Reich on HEMPILATION. .
5. RICK JAMES -- "Mary Jane" (1978) "It's my main thang," James sang. "I love you Mary Jane." The funkiest ode to pot . . . ever.
If you want to see the rest of the list (Click Here)